Diva Weekly Strategies For Success

Ready to Kiss Your Monsters Goodbye and Claim Your Red Carpet Life



June Davidson and I invite you join us and meet our guest Cindy Ashton Where motivation meets the red carpet you will find Cindy Ashton taking the stage! An expert in overcoming obstacles, she empowers people to break through their barriers so they can be the star of their own life. Born with only a 20% chance of living. Cindy underwent three heart surgeries by age 14 and was left in chronic pain and with a damaged lung. Surpassing all odds, she has gone on to train in a professional dance company six hours a day and sing opera, even on her damaged lung. Cindy combines her extensive backgrounds in performing, education and kinesiology with her own real-life experience to give people real-life strategies for courageous living, leading them to find their true gifts and claim their very own red carpet moment. Through keynote speeches, interactive seminars and motivational concerts across North America, Cindy has shared the state with motivational powerhouses as Barbara DeAngelis, Lisa Nichols and Bob Pro