Diva Weekly Strategies For Success

Red Fire Personal Branding: How to Create a Hot Personal Brand



Our guest is speaker and author Liz Goodgold a fiery redhead with over 25 years of experience in marketing and branding. She is the author of the just-published RED FIRE BRANDING: Create a Hot Personal Brand and Have Customers for Life and DUH! Marketing. Liz has worked for such major clients as Quaker Oats, Times Mirror, and Arco Oil as well as with small business owners and start-ups. Her specialized, one-on-one branding and coaching programs spark new ideas that deliver sure-fire results. An often quoted expert, Liz has appeared in over 500 media outlets including ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNBC, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. Liz is a true American success story. She has overcome tremendous challenges to succeed both in businesses and as a business owner. Check out her website at www.redfirebranding.com Her new book Red Fire Branding: Create a Hot Personal Brand to Have Customers for Life was just published a book everyone should have. Our topic will be : Red Fire Personal Bran