Diva Weekly Strategies For Success

Meet Ann Morgan James,



Ann Morgan James is a two time award winning marketeer (Marketer of the Year & STAR Marketer of the Year), author, speaker & Jack’s mom. In the third grade, Ann’s son Jack was dealt a devastating blow. He was bullied in school to the point of physical violence. His self-esteem was virtually non-existent. Ann knew she had to do something to help him.   As a marketing professional for more than 25 years Ann turned her talents for selling other people’s products to her son. She began selling her son bully proof self-esteem. She decided to help him start a business &  through those efforts she rebuilt his confidence and self-worth.   Ann was amazed with the results. She realized she was teaching Jack the same millionaire mindsets her parents had taught her – Outlook, Attitude, Skills and Action. To help Jack, she defined six millionaire skills she needed to teach him: “Dream It”, “Believe It”, “Love It”, “Work It”, “Own It” and “Give It”. These six skills are now a philosophy she & Jack have a