Diva Weekly Strategies For Success

– 3 Massive Mistakes Business Owners Make that Cause them OverWork, and More!



Clara Chorley is the CEO and founder of Clarity Unlimited. She has an extensive and unique international background as a Clarity Coach, organizational consultant, humanitarian, and insatiable explorer. Clara works with organizations and individuals who are committed to making a positive difference in the world with their work, She has worked and traveled through 40 countries and 5 continents. She is the author of the book T.U.R.N: 4 Steps to Clarity in nyour Life and Career, an international speaker, TEDx presenter, and currently lives in San Francisco, Califonria. To learn more about this dynamic individual go to http://www.clarityunlimited.com To book Clara for a speaking engagement contact Clara's Manager Jennifer Ellis 1-619-713-6756 or email Jennifer@clarityunlimited.com