Diva Weekly Strategies For Success

Meet Stone Love-Author, Speaker & Founder Stoneologys



Stone Love, has been introduced as, "A Light". She defines herself at a mentor with experiential wisdom. She is the founder of Stoneologys and originator of the 7 Pillars of Strength-Based Decision Making.  She has spoken to thousands of women around the world about the decision making process.  Her book Decision Time is written to give readers a comprehensive, step-by-step process for making the right decision in every situation, every time.  Stone attended Tony Robbins 5 day event in New Jersey. Learning how to control her state of mind and take action in spite of the fear, she was determined to successfully conquerd the "Fire Walk". Stone has walked through the fire spiritually, so on the physical plane she knows she can do anything.   Mrs. Love's experiental wisdom is a combination of experience, intuition and the desire to course corrct life's setbacks. She has dedicated her professional life to mentoring, inspiring and empowering professional women and young girls to intuitively turn their life less