Diva Weekly Strategies For Success

Cheryl Hughley-Health Coach & Director of New Bakersfield Nafe Network



Cheryl Highley loves helping people stay healthy and she knows that now that the Holidays are over that many want to lose weight and she has a way to help you do just that. Cheryl is a distributor of Purium and Jusuru Products which she also uses and recommends to others because they are the best, She is also the Director of the new Nafe Bakersfield Network that will launch on January 14th, It will be a lunch meeting 11;30 at Mimi's Cafe 4025 California Ave in Bakersfield.  Each meeting has a dynamic speaker, networking, lunch, and the opportunity to meet other dynamic women like yourself, Members of Nafe are: Entrepreneurs, Home Base Business owners, Executives, Small and Mid Size Business employees and even women who have retired and like sharing their expertise with others.  They are women of heart who care about helping each other soar to greatness Nafe (National Association of Female Executives) is the largest Global network for women, it will soon celebrate 43 years of serving women globally.  Their