Diva Weekly Strategies For Success

Meet Strategic International Marking Coach Darla De Layne



Darla DeLayne is an  International Strategic Marketing Coach, and also a dynamic Speaker. Her passion is to help small business owners implement a 5 Step Profit formula to generate all the leads and sales they want.  Does that sound like something you might be interested in doing? Darla told me "I love coaching the small business owner, self-employed freelancer and commissioned sales person in strategic marketing. I love helping them implement a 5 step QuickStart profit plan to generate all the leads and sales they can handle to dramatically boost revenue"  Darla has always had an internal voice that tends to loudly whisper at her, “That was so great!! Now do this next thing!!” And... historically (and sometimes, hysterically) she’s listened to it and gone for it. Education, math and psychology were her higher education fields of study and her work experiences have had these common threads. Darla has founded and run real estate, mortgage, marketing businesses and managed sales offices, created an internat