Sex Within Marriage Podcast : Exploring Married Sexuality From A Christian Perspective

SWM 040 – What happens to our souls when we have sex?



I was answering questions from February and March from our Have A Question page, and the answer to this one turned into it's own blog post and podcast episode because the question showed a common misunderstanding about what a soul is. Check out the show notes here.If you'd like to discuss the questions as they come in, consider joining our private forum.Some other updates:We've added some new functionality to our supporter's forum. You can now email in topics to discuss, and can just reply to the notification emails to reply to threads. Our users are loving it and interactions are increasing, which is awesome.Want more podcast episodes to listen to? We're 77% of the way to the next goal, which will mean weekly podcasts. Did you know most of our supporters only give $5/month. Add your pocket change to help us meet our goal. Check out our Support Us for more info.Analysis of our latest survey has started, and should be out soon. Don't want to miss it? Be sure to join our mailing list.Have a question, bu