Sports Borts

Phillies Phans with Mary Lordes



Sure they throw batteries, barf on 11 year olds, and chuck snowballs at freakin' SANTA CLAUS, but are Phillies Phans really that bad? The Borts welcome funny writer and Pennsylvania native Mary Lordes into the Headquarts to make the case for the most notorious fan base in American sports. And guess what? She makes a GREAT case! They take up a very specific and, one might argue, necessary space in the sports fan community. Mary also discusses teen goth phases, mascots, bowling, and so much more! Ya just gotta listen. ... If you or anyone you know would like to advertise anything on Sports Borts, simply email It's a name-your-own-price situation, so don't be shy, get the word out about WHATEVER on our podcast! ... No presh, but it would be very cool if you took a measly second or two to rate us and comment on our itunes page or wherever you digest podcasts. It's lame, WE KNOW, but it helps! ... Got questions, comments, or interesting low-res pics? Tweet or email them to us: @sportsborts