
You can dislike Captain Marvel without being an @$!hole about it.



Its true And by the way guys enjoy the sweet sounds of nothing in this recording as Ive moved out of the turbine and into a space for the requested peacequiet So a very happy Friday to yall because this has just felt like the longest week glad thats over Just as I started the pod out with happy St Patricks Day Shout out to my Irish friend Patrick whom I always think of on the day This year the weekend will be less painting the town red and more painting the kitchen white True story new coat I always had a good time you get the emerald beer and go ape with the lads But once youve worked a restaurant pub club etc you know the gross unmasked side of the debauchery Not that its less fun per say but definitely puts it into perspective Try seeing a guy get stabbed at 3AM on your way outta work closing the bar on St Pattys puts a dent in stuff I feel markedly aged considering how slow this years pace will be though I wasnt really too much of a party boy over the years I dabbled but this is nice Last weeks episode wa