Sports Borts

The Sports Borts State Of Sports 2019



Are sports good now? Are they bad? Better than they were? Or worse? Could they be better? And how? Can anyone even tell?  In this episode, the Borts take the time to check in with the status of each of the 'Big 3' sports both on and off the field. Where do they have room for improvement and where do they need to just burn it down and start over.  Spoiler alert: the NFL needs to light that match! ... If you or anyone you know would like to advertise anything on Sports Borts, simply email It's a name-your-own-price situation, so don't be shy, get the word out about WHATEVER on our podcast! ... No presh, but it would be very cool if you took a measly second or two to rate us and comment on our itunes page or wherever you digest podcasts. It's lame, WE KNOW, but it helps! Listen to this episode and then tweet at us (@sportsborts) if you are a nice person. ... Got questions, comments, or interesting low-res pics? Tweet or email them to us: @sportsborts ... T