Thick Skin With Jeff Ross

Blueface and Other Controversies



It's a full bunker tonight, and we have a lot to talk about. Should Will Smith just go back into the magic lamp? I have my friend and the creator of Disney's "Tangled: The Series" Chris Sonnenburg over to discuss the new Aladdin trailer. Comedian Nimesh Patel also comes by to tell us about that time he was kicked off stage at Columbia University for delivering “offensive” material. We also chat about polar bears, fighting Grandmas and other “Touchy Subjects”. We end with a “Roast in Peace” to screen legend Albert Finney. Also with me, comic Mookie Thompson. Don't forget to subscribe to the show, and feel free to leave us feedback at Roast On!  @realjeffreyross @Eddietunes_ @finindingnimesh @BigPants @mookiethompson