Sports Borts

Figure Skating with Caroline Cotter



Jumps, spins, lutzes, axels, and salchows....who can keep 'em all straight?! Our guest this week can, that's who! The ultra hilarious Caroline Cotter joins The Borts in The Headquarts to talk all things FIGURE SKATING. Caroline, who thanks she stanks at figure skating but the video evidence proves otherwise, gives us the low down dirty deets on what it was like being a normal kid figure skater and then growing up to be a normal adult figure skater. She dishes on why Michelle Kwan rules and Tara Lipinsky drools, how the whole amateur "skating system" works, and a million other things that lead to a giggly and chuckle-y time on the airwaves. It's good, you should listen. ... If you or anyone you know would like to advertise anything on Sports Borts, simply email It's a name-your-own-price situation, so don't be shy, get the word out about WHATEVER on our podcast! ... No presh, but it would be very cool if you took a measly second or two to rate us and comment on our itunes page or whereve