
A sorrowful farewell to Batfleck



Greetings friends Its been back and forth up and down but when the dustsettled this week we got confirmation that Ben Affleck is stepping away fromDC and as Batman I dont really care what anyone else thinks about this oneI salute the performance we got We were lucky He took inspiration from a tonof sources and blended them with taste His Batman was terrifying but notwithout fear He was a calculated tactician but also an aloof Bruce Wayne Wegot vicious handtohand combat unseen outside of a video game and a fleet ofBat vehicles Ben Affleck did an amazing job and created a dynasty as thecaped crusader that brought together the Justice League I feel deeply let downthat we wont get to see more of the Trinity or even the League that we nowhave finally standing together This departure as well as that of Henry Cavillwho will be just as missed means the putting away of B and S as we know itfor a long time Now will come the Supergirl movie to replace Superman TheBirds of Prey movie to take over Gotham hopefully with a