Neon Moire Show

Neon Moiré Show — Episode XII — Civilization



Neon Moiré Show Episode – X. Interview with Micheal Ellsworth and Corey Gutch of multidisciplinary design studio Civilization based in Seattle. In partnership with Graphic Matters, we bring a special serie of interviews with researchers, designers, and thinkers who presented their work during the graphic design festival. Graphic Matters, founded in 2008, shows every two years how designers shape and influence our perspective on current issues that matter. With the slogan Visual stories you care about, Graphic Matters presented work from over 200 international designers. Through the exhibitions, talk shows, and workshops Graphic Matters challenged the visitor to create their own image. In this episode of the Neon Moiré Show, the fifth in this serie, Thomas Dahm, talks with Micheal Ellsworth and Corey Gutch of multidisciplinary design studio Civilization based in Seattle. Earlier this year we also had the pleasure to talk with Civilization, which you can watch back on our site During thi