Sports Borts

Borts Sports Ideas: Refs In Halloween Costumes



“Sports are great, we want to make them better." —The official mission statement of Sports Borts. In a new episode format, the Borts don't got a guest. Instead they present 5 Borts Sports Ideas™ and hash out how good and/or plausible they are. This week: -How much less fun is it rooting AGAINST the team you hate the most than it is rooting FOR your favorite team? -Is less players on the field a way to make the NFL better? -How can we improve refs' and umpires' uniforms? -NFL stadiums should play music during plays. -Can we PLEASE see some GM’s-talkin’-trades footage, FOR ONCE? ... No presh, but it would be very cool if you took a measly second or two to rate us and comment on our itunes page or wherever you digest podcasts. It's lame, WE KNOW, but it helps! Listen to this episode and then tweet at us (@sportsborts) if you are a nice person. ... Got questions, comments, or interesting low-res pics? Tweet or email them to us: @sportsborts ... Theme music by PODCAST MASON (Matt Klinman,