
Episode 62: NAILBITER from Image Comics



NAILBITER is the first comic I have ever read or considered reading. Admittedly, I was skeptical of what I could possibly gain from reading comics as I had snobbishly resided in graphic novels, and refused to step into the world of comics.NAILBITER exceeded my expectations of craft, skill and storytelling. I came to appreciate the characters and commend Joshua Williamson for the agency he gives his characters to tell the story, rather than committing to an overcompensating plot that drags them along. The comic invites us and our preconceived notions of the “murderer,” into a world of serial killers. Slowly the text unravels these false narratives that enable the simplification of identity to one defining aspect. As such, it is with intent and great skill that Williamson sets us up with Finch, an army interrogator, to discover the truth about Buckaroo.