Sports Borts

Is It OK To Watch The NFL? With Don Fanelli



Oooh baby, this is a big one! The question all sports fans with a brain are muttering under their breath as they reach for the remote (and another spicy hot chicken wing) on Sunday. Pro football is back and because the sport's governing body--the dumbass NFL--has refused to honestly address player safety issues and player expression issues and a host of other ISSUES, it's our obligation as sports fans to at least discuss where we fit. To do that, the Borts are joined by thoughtful and very funny football-man, Don Fanelli! Don is an actor/improvisor/writer who can be seen across many tv shows and can be heard on his own podcast "The Need To Fail" (available wherever podcasts are found!) ... No presh, but it would be very cool if you took a measly second or two to rate us and comment on our itunes page or wherever you digest podcasts. It's lame, WE KNOW, but it helps! ... Got questions, comments, or interesting low-res pics? Tweet or email them to us: @sportsborts --- Support this pod