Sleepy Eyes Knits

Episode 5: Bing Bong



Alright sweet and sassy knitters....another podcast is up and running. Woo-hoo! Hopefully, I will not turn you off with my incessant babble and never -ending questions/answers. If so, please don't hesitate to shut this one off and try next week's instead - lol! Here are some of the things I talk about in this podcast: -The modified Fetching mitts with angora/lambswool edging-Spunky Eclectic fibers-KM Stitchery zipper bag, Monty the Monster-Row counters from the lovely and talented, Kimberly of The Giving Flower-I completely forgot to mention the beautiful stitch markers that Heather of Sereknity (now Mad Color Fiber Arts) made...which I gave as part of my holiday knitter's gift. They're BEAUTIFUL!!!Thanks for listening you wonderful knitters and spinners! Have a SUPER KNIT-A-LICIOUS weekend!!!Happy Knitting!