Ricardo For Us House 21

010* Bible’s Creation Story Takeaway, Primeval Common-Sense, is PaRDeS! - Ricardo for US House 21 Tx



010* Bible’s Creation Story Takeaway, Primeval Common-Sense, is PaRDeS! Dear Friends of Dialogue: Good, bright, and hard-working friends of mine tell me that, with things as they are in the world today, that the only way out is again, direct intervention. I couldn’t agree more with them, though, I would further add that, already, always, has this been the case. The question, rather, is what form will help take this time around, in contemporary postmodern times, moving forward. The question is, we can get ourselves out of the hole we got ourselves in? Or, do we need outside help getting out? If no, and yes, then, how? We shouldn’t let this perfect curative crisis go to waste! Every cloud has a silver lining. Upfront, let me tell you my rediscovery, followed by a brief narrative of the timeline leading to it. My claim is that, embedded at the very beginning of the Bible Creation Story Genesis 1:1, lies the Takeaway, in waiting to be rediscovered. The problem is that current translations and interpretations