Girls Interrupting

Girls Interrupting: Too Hyped for Black Panther



BLACK PANTHER, Vol 2 It's time for the main event! This week we're talking about the second volume of Ta-Nehisi Coates' BLACK PANTHER: A Nation Under Our Feet. Things seem to be escalating in Wakanda, as T'Challa takes meetings with villains and teams up with heroes. Shuri continues on her trip through the Djalia, and we learn more about the history of Wakanda and its' neighbors. What are the true origins of the nation of Wakanda? Can T'Challa carry the mantle of King and Avenger at the same time? And are The People revolutionaries or terrorists? Join us to discuss BLACK PANTHER #5 - #8, as well as our love of the new show Black Lightning, and our level of HYPE for the (at the time, still upcoming) Black Panther movie!