Tramway Visual Arts Podcasts

Tramway - Episode 4: Paulina Olowska, T5, Jan-Mar 10



This Podcast explores Polish artist, Paulina Olowska's 'Accidental Collages' exhibition currently showing in Tramway 5. The exhibition features 17 collages drawing together images from neon art in communist era Warsaw, and the theoretical charts of art pioneer Kasmir Malevich. This podcast features interviews with Tramway's Visual Arts Programmer about Paulina's artistic practise, her influences, and the importance of the art-work's evolution as it journeys between galleries in Poland, Germany and now Scotland. Visitors to the venue also give their impressions of the exhibition. The Performance programmer, Claire Jackson, also discusses what we can expect from the venue in the next few months, and the move Tramway is making towards exploring more cross-art-form work.