Game Of Thrones With Shark Liver Oil

Dance With Dragons 2: Knock His Block Off



The second part of Shark Liver Oil's page by page guide to George RR Martin's Dance With Dragons says hello to a pole-boat load of new characters, welcomes back some old favourites and fetches the chopping block for one of its enemies. Get ready to meet Griff, Halfmaester Haldon, as-yet-unnamed-purple-haired-boy, Sexy Septa and of course the worst named knight in the seven kingdoms and beyond: Ser Duck. We also say "hello old friend" to Davos Seaworth. However, considering we learned in Feast For Crows that he's to have his head on a spike at White Harbour in the not so distant future, we fear he won't be around for long. What? That's not a spoiler! When is a spoiler not a spoiler? When the author's written it into a previous book, thats when!! Ahem, get your feedback into us at or find us on twitter @sharkliveroil And download it fast - we're running out of bandwidth for this month!! (Sorry about this, we're working on a solution..)