Game Of Thrones With Shark Liver Oil

Feast For Crows 10 - Hangin With Brienne



Its the final episode of Shark Liver Oil's rollocking good romp through George RR Martin's A Feast For Crows! And what a feast we have for you here. In a shock twist, Brienne appears to have survived, only to appear to die again a few pages later in another shock twist. Will she return in yet another shock twist when we get to A Dance of Dragons? And speaking of shock twists... its the return of Pate!!! (who?). Dude from the prologue. Wanted to sleep with a prostitute. Met some shady fellow in an alleyway and passed out. Of all the characters to make a dramatic and glorious return, he probably wasn't up there with Robb Stark, but we'll take what we can get at this stage.. Get your feedback into us on twitter @sharkliveroil or on email Note: Sorry for how late this episode has been. We've had a spike in popularity recently and its meant we crashed through our bandwidth limit last month. It's reset now but if it keeps happening we'll upgrade. Don't worry sharklettes, Shark Liver