Catch The Fire Raleigh Podcast

David Bradshaw - 02/25/2018



David is the Lead Pastor of ACC, serves as the Director of the FPF Missions Base, and leads our ACC Board. David began serving in leadership as a teenager in a local youth ministry in Fredericksburg known as Mars Hill. After graduating from UMW he has been in full-time ministry since 2005, later as a leader on the team that launched FPF in 2009, and that later planted ACC in 2014. He carries a message of spiritual hunger, worship and prayer, the knowledge of God, and the urgency of the hour. David's passion is for the beauty of Jesus and the reality of His coming to be openly proclaimed and experienced by this generation, and the emergence of the church into all the purposes God has for it. His life labor is for a Third Great Awakening to be birthed in America through day and night prayer and mission, and that a victorious church would arise in our nation in the fullness of her destiny. He and his teenage love and now wife, Ashley, have five children.