Odyssey Unleashed Podcast

OUP - EP13 - Battle Between The Stars



Sky's the limit and space is the place! We return once again with the whole crew! It's been a while and one of the mics was having problems, which may or may not include an on switch. Needless to say we were a little rusty. Ross leads off the conversation with hand-held gaming systems and talking about his sweet 3DS and thoughts on the PS Vita. Barry shows some experience in the Vita department, but 3DS leads with little to no competition in the hand-held department. Some other gaming is discussed as Ross updates us on Splatoon and speculation for the future. We briefly touch on Star War: A New Dawn which features Kanan from Rebels. We switch gears and talk about Gundam Origins Book I from Vertical and Hell Comes To Frogtown. Both of which should get their own show, really. We discuss Castlevania 3 and it's jump to the small screen before going indepth with Rick & Morty being an intelligent cartoon in a world of stupid cartoons. Next, we cover Immolation which is a pamphlet sized independent comic from Za