Family Gathering

How Indexing Family History Records Can Help You Find Your Distant Relatives



Living memories can only last a lifetime, so when they run out that's where indexed searchable records come into play. KSL's Family Gathering Host Grant Nielsen is joined by Chris Whitehead Vice President of Record Operations and Star Hall Vice President of Records and Partners Growth at Family Search who talk about how historical documents are taken, digitized, and indexed making them available to the families who want to find them. It's a complex process and many volunteers around the country and the world are helping to get these records easily into the hands of the right people. KSL NewsRadio's Family Gathering connects people and families across many generations. If you are new to family histories, let Family Gathering's host Grant Nielsen guide your search for the family you never knew you had. Family Gathering is sponsored by Family Search. Discover your family history. Explore the world's largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records, and resources at