The Tao Of Skwealthacademy Podcast

Introduction to The Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast



Allow me to introduce the essence of The Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast. My podcast is focused on breaking out of the artificially engineered constructs of society designed to dumb us down, such as institutional academics, strict career paths, and chasing after superficial constructs such as fame and fortune instead of sustainable constructs of far more substance such as happiness, inner peace, friendships and humanitarian activities. Please take a listen to this 6-minute and change introduction and subscribe if you find it mysterious, curiosity-inducing and intriguing! If you enjoyed this podcast episode, please consider donating to our patreon account at Shownotes for this episode: Subscribe to the Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast at Follow us on Snapchat, and Twitter: skwealthacademy Follow us on IG: john_skwealthacademy Free downloads of the Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast episodes on iTunes at