Family Gathering

Eat Your Way Through Your Family History!



Family Gathering host Grant Nielsen is joined by Wendy Smedley and Paul Matta of Family Search.  They talk about an incredibly important part of family history- the dinner table. Lots of our great family moments involve food and families often have culinary traditions passed down through generations. If you want to get your hands on your grandma's secret recipe, send in the children to help her out.  Use those things to strengthen your family. Holidays are predominantly about food.  Holiday planning is usually meal planning.  What and where do people want to eat?  Picking a date is easy, picking a menu is both more challenging... and fun. The meals are also a great opportunity to record family stories and traditions.  There are apps from that will  help you do this on the fly.  Then your family will always remember important traditions as well as more contemporary memories. Look at your family history for culinary inspiration.  Where did they come from, and what is a traditional dish there?