Family Gathering

How You Can Do Family Histories if You Aren't Super Tech Savvy



Lots of people feel like they're not good enough at computers to do meaningful family history.  That's especially true with older generations.  The trick is to take smaller steps.. Family Gathering's Grant Nielsen is joined by Mike Sandberg and Gregg Richardson of Family Search who say to try family history on a tablet like an iPad because they tend to be pretty easy to understand. Still not sure? Mike and Gregg help people who are just starting their genealogy and family history journey. Gregg and Mike also suggest looking at options that don't require a lot of computer skill. Collecting photographs and writing or recording memories and stories is a huge benefit to family history.   KSL NewsRadio's Family Gathering connects people and families across many generations. If you are new to family histories, let Family Gathering's host Grant Nielsen guide your search for the family you never knew you had. Family Gathering is sponsored by Family Search. Discover your family history. Explore the world's largest col