Shaping The Future Podcast

First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs TX Shooting



SPECIAL EDITION: This is Gregg Kell on Monday November 6 with a breaking news event striking at the heart of our nation. We at Shaping the Future believe America’s at a tipping point.  What direction will we go? As citizens, we’re obliged to gently shape America’s future in a positive and peaceful direction. Will you contribute to this nationwide conversation and help shape our nation’s future? 26 People Killed On Sunday November 5, a rifle bearing shooter committed a heinous act of violence in the sanctuary of the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs TX. He killed 26 people including children and a pregnant mother of 3.  He also wounded another 20 worshipers.  TX Governor Greg Abbot called this the largest shooting in Texas history. Horrific! A Biblical Perspective Open the bible and read this verse:  Romans 8:28.  You may find solace there. Future Shapers Unite OK, Future Shapers, let’s engage in the national conversation, help our nation heal and shape America’s future in a loving and positive direc