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Survivor With All The Fixins: ATF Episode 87: The Last Red Starburst In Denver



With Max on vacation in Hawaii Corinne is bursting at the seems with stories to tell. For starters, there’s been a major breakthrough in the ongoing saga of Corinne’s crime-riddled apartment building. Inspired by the courageous women of the “Me Too” movement Corinne turns whistleblower and drops a dime on the ruthless gangster who manages her property. Only when it’s too late does she realize that this woman has a key to her apartment and has probably been inserting Corinne’s toothbrush into her yoni while she’s out chasing tall men in Denver. Speaking of tall men in Denver, Corinne recounts her long-anticipated first date (and second, third, and fourth dates) with the bearded Marine turned investment banker she had been grooming on Tinder. Good news! He’s even more perfect in real life than he is on paper…provided you can overlook a skull soaking in bleach in a bucket in his back yard and a mobile rape wagon. Plus Corinne finally meets Ken McNickle at his place of employment, Denver’s top consumer of chlorin