Radio Gonzo

GONZO MAGAZINE #254: Jon meets Mr Biffo



Back in the late 1980s, when the Internet was not much more than a twinkle in Tim Berners-Lee's eye, I got mildly obsessed by Teletext, which was about as cutting edge as televisions could get. Then in 1993 the ITV and C4 Teletext services suffered an enormous upheaval, and all the different pages (proto websites) that I used to view each day ceased to be. They were replaced by a brave new world of replacement pages and characters, and - sad to say - I soon forgot about the pages that I had viewed so faithfully each day on Oracle, and started watching the new bunch equally avidly. By far my favourite, though, was a Computer Games Page called Digitiser, which was presented by a mad bloke called Mr Biffo. The fact that I didn't actually own a computer at the time apart from an antiquated Amstrad word processor didn't matter. Nor did the fact that I had never played any video games, and had no intention of doing so, because Biffo made me laugh. His mixture of surreal inanity, peculiar Lovecraftian imagery and a