Meeples Included Podcast

Saved By The Bell



Just making it under the bell ringing the end of March for this month's podcast! Yaaayyy for waiting til last minute /sigh. This episode Maggi and Jason talk about teaching games. What we do to prep if we know it's a new game we plan on teaching, our general take on teaching games for different situations, and how we handle certain situations that arise. Of course, a ChitChat podcast would not be complete if we also didn't venture off topic to talk about Pokemon Duel, Primus, Kickstarter, and other random ramblings that pop into our heads. Kickstarter Links: Dinosaur Island Stop Thief The Grim Forest King's Champion Chit Chat Links: Jason Hancock's Twitter Pathological Nerdcasters Network Website Marguerite Cottrell's Twitter Marguerite Cottrell's Youtube Channel Meeples Included Website