Let's Watch That Instead

Episode 23: Before You Dig That Hole Any Deeper



Good news everyone! We've become degenerate sellouts. First we take several lucrative sponsorship contracts, and by some, I mean every one possible. Joe let's the money get to his head pretty quickly as he makes racially insensitive remarks about Bollywood cinema, then seems oddly sympathetic towards a murderer/ sex pervert. I don't fair much better, doing enough drugs to cause Audacity to crash on me three times during the recording of this episode. This podcast town has used us up and spit us out, so follow us in the classic story of getting it all and then losing it all upon the boulevard of broken dreams. Creepshow 2: Survey Slays - "He's got super-villain eyebrows." War of the 'Woods - "I'm going to put you on speaker phone. Hey Arjun, is this racist?" Get On Lenigan's Level - "It comes up right away, 1938 Edition of Esquire - Oh no..." Tokyo Red Light Disrict - "Is she a porn ghost or a church ghost?"