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Survivor With All The Fixins: Survivor: Kaoh Rong Episode 2 Recap



This week Max and Corinne learn to embrace the suck - and what Tai’s O sounds like. Randy Bailey weighs in with his feedback on the #SurvivorATF premier and Corinne shares more stories about other times she was thrown out of summer camp. Is Shambo Debbie’s type? Does Neal see a little bit of his Uncle Larry in Joe? Why was Caleb wearing his jeans in the water? Is it possible to tell if someone is poor with the naked eye? All these questions and more will be answered in this week’s thrilling episode. In addition, Max and Corinne announce the official launch of their Survivor Crashers contest. For a chance to win a visit from Max and Corinne to your Survivor viewing party tweet a video of 60 seconds or less showing off where you watch and explaining why you should host the hosts of Survivor With All The Fixins. Make sure to use the hashtag #SurvivorATF and to tag @fymaxwell and @CORINSANITY. More details can be found on the Survivor With All The Fixins Facebook page!