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Survivor With All The Fixins: Survivor: Kaoh Rong Episode 4 Recap



This week on a very special episode of Survivor With All The Fixins Corinne and Max try their best and never quit. They welcome #SurvivorATF's Hot Doctor Correspondent Marcus Lehman to discuss last week's harrowing medical emergency and how it could have been avoided. Corinne brags about FaceTiming with Scot and Jason and shares the story of the Caramoan castaway who tried to make his own wine out of rotten fruit. Max rants about Millennials and learns about fake vs. real boobs. Randy rants about Jeff. Tyler...well, let's just say he was there. Plus, the gang reviews (and judges) the first 3 entries in the Survivor Crashers contest. It's Survivor With All The Fixins: the podcast that looks like a common pussycat, but that deep down inside knows it's a mighty lion.