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Survivor With All The Fixins: Survivor: Kaoh Rong Episode 6 Recap



This week on Survivor With All The Fixins old and new friends stop by to visit Max and Corinne in the studio. By "old" we mean Survivor Worlds Apart Winner Mike Holloway. By "new" we mean Corinne's age-inappropriate 6'8" EDM-listening friend boy. Together the crew pours over Debbie's ModelMayhem profile and discusses the time Corinne pretended she was attending anger management classes in order to keep a man. You'll learn why Corinne is the worst high school cheerleader of all time, how Mike would have handled that hectic tribal council, which Koan Rong castaway got called up from the practice squad, and why Corinne had to get her couch professionally cleaned. All that, plus your voicemails and Survivor Crashers videos and at least two utterances of the word "pussy," on #SurvivorATF.