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Survivor With All The Fixins: Survivor: Kaoh Rong Episode 10 Recap



Why is this podcast different from every other podcast? Because this week, Max and Corinne are celebrating Passover with all the fixins. Max and Corinne talk about what being Jewish means to them, which in Corinne's case involves embezzling money from the Hebrew school snack bar. Two guests join the show, and although neither is the prophet Elijah both drink more than few glasses of wine. First off Corinne's best friend Matt drops by to talk dick pic etiquette and review the latest Survivor nudes. Then Max and Corinne are joined by Mikey Glazer of The Wrap - the journalist who broke the story of the Second Chance pregame alliance conference calls - for the recap. Voicemails feature tips on how to smuggle drugs onto the island in a tampon and the dirt on Corinne's relationship with Survivor's top Jew. All that, plus Randy's rant, and much, much more. Support The Chosen Podcast and the entire On The Block Podcasting Network by becoming at patron at