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What Would I Do: Optimizing a Membership-Model Business



This is another quick tip episode here on the show. It’s another, “What would Rick do?” episode. What would I do in a certain situation?In these episodes I take a specific situation, like a coaching call that I’ve recently done, and share what the person is trying to get out of the coaching call. What’s the big challenge they are facing?I share what we did, and how we arrived at the takeaways and clarity for the Accelerator member I talked with on the coaching call.In this particular episode, we were talking about how to get people to buy from the member. What to do when a prospect is apprehensive about signing up for a recurring membership.In this episode, you’ll learn:Why you need to segment your customers to get clarity in your sales funnelWays to repackage your content for customers that don’t want a membershipHow to get the right offer in front of the right prospectHow to build relationships with a hesitant buyersRick Mulready's Links:Check out KleqVisit Rick's websiteDM Rick on InstagramFull e