Trans Resister Radio

The Effective Propaganda of Divide and Conquer, AoT#426



It’s funny how those who are screaming and shouting the loudest about the Truth are actually driving us further and further away from realizing it.  Topics include: desert weather, the conspiracy is the conspiracy, truth seeking, alternative movements, fringe topics, dominant minority, online media, global propaganda matrix, shifting narratives, 180 degree turns in opinion, basic truth, divide and conquer, actually confronting the actual problem and enemy, Occupy Wall Street, discontent directed toward political movements, MAGA, QAnon, basic elements of history ignored, American exceptionalism, delusion, genocide of indigenous people, racism, the not racists, Christian religion, money backing propaganda, common people pitted against one another, angry mob as the enemy, status quo, authoritarian movements and impulses, Heritage Foundation, destruction of civil liberties during War on Terror