Our Fair City

Episode 6.10- The Battle of Waste Field Three



As we come to the conclusion of the first half of the Sixth season of the True Historical Retellings of Our Fair City, we invite all Loyal Policies to join us. Join us in shunning the Outsider. Join us in shaming the Dissident. Join us in exposing the disloyal Hendersonians working amongst us, striving through craft and word and violence against the great work of HartLife. Even as they work to rend our Mighty Tower apart, listen: and remember. Their words are hollow, their victories are meaningless, their actions fruitless when compared to the great history of Our Fair City. The Narrator— Ansel Burch Clear Skies Tim— Clint Worthington Greyson— David Rheinstrom Jack— Mark Soloff Old Man— Clayton Faits Stephen— Ryan Bond Sully— Whitney Jones Alison Dalton— Nina O’Keefe The Voice of HartLife— Jeffrey Gardner Written by Mark Soloff. Directed by Jeffrey Gardner. Sound Design by Ryan Schile. Music by Stephen Poon. Episode Art by Dann Tincher. Produced by David Rheinstrom. Recording Engineering by