Our Fair City

2015 Exclusion Day Special- Tidings of Comfort and (Mandatory) Joy



Every year, the Loyal Policies of HartLife celebrate Exclusion Day: the day the glorious founders of the Company sealed the tower away from the cold, Wolves, and dangers of the Outside, protecting their Policies from here to eternity. By Excluding the outside world, Loyal Policies would never be exposed to dangers like Free Thought, New Ideas, or Innovation. This musical episode was recorded live at iO Chicago with Improvised Star Trek on December 18, 2015. We'd like to make a special note here: this Holiday season, the themes of exclusion, refugees, and societal control through xenophobia are everywhere in the news. We'd like to take the opportunity to raise awareness for several great organizations that are working to provide opportunities and help for refugees in American and around the world. Here in Chicago, we'd recommend supporting RefugeeOne, which you can learn more about at refugeeone.org--they're a great organization dedicated to creating opportunities for refugees fleeing war, terror, and persecut