Our Fair City

Episode 7.10- A Series of Inspired Follies



Each level of the Tower is different. Amenities and environments are tailored to the needs of the Policies who dwell there. Of course the Managerial class requires a greater degree of comfort than tunnel dwelling Policies. How else would our society function? The intricate, careful work of the Vice Presidents, Managers, and other leaders requires a clear head and gentle life. You would not disturb this careful balance by demanding more than is your due, would you Loyal Policy? Of course not.   We'll be going on our mid-season break after this episode, but never fear- there will be non-episode releases every other week during the hiatus, including blooper reels, a Halloween Special written by Wolf 359's Gabriel Urbina, and more. Regular episodes of Our Fair City will resume on November 23, 2016. If you'd like to support HartLife NFP and Our Fair City, you can join the amazing community on our Patreon page at http://www.patreon.com/hartlifenfp. We'd like to give a special shout out to Grace Parker, on behalf of