Our Fair City

Episode 7.17: Exploration



What of Alison Dalton, Simon Von Hagens, and Theodora Thoreau-Roosevelt? Join us as we step back into the recent past and discover their fate.  Remember, Policy- there is no future without the Company. There is no life outside. Policies who seek to find meaning outside of HartLife are surely lost. Hear their downfall here, Loyal Policy. Relish it. Hear more of Mischa Stanton’s work with Ars Paradoxica and The Bright Sessions! If you’d like to support HartLife NFP and Our Fair City, you can join the amazing community on our Patreon page at http://www.patreon.com/hartlifenfp.  By pledging monthly, you can ensure the growth and stability of our company and get great rewards like Our Fair City ringtones, Herbert West on your voicemail, personalized HartLife policy certificates, and more. You can also help spread the word by rating and reviewing on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you are listening to us on! Content Warnings for this episode can be found here. The Narrator— Ansel Burch Theodora Thoreau-R