Our Fair City

Episode 8.7 - The Empty Seat



The Department of Memory has vast historical resources. Perhaps we can find an answer to our current predicament by digging through the life of one particularly recalcitrant Policy. ================== Are you a Patron of HartLife NFP? By giving monthly, you can help support Our Fair City and get access to more content like scripts from Andrew Snidge's "Adventures in Science," character playlists, and more! Visit us at Patreon.com/hartlifenfp to learn more. You can also help spread the word by rating and reviewing on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you are listening to us on! Content Warnings for this episode can be found here. Foster Livy— Ansel Burch Emily Harrison / Emily Caligari / Doctor Emily Caligari— Marsha Harman Deputy Director Harrison / Director Harrison— Cecil Baldwin Vice President Williams / Director Williams— Matt Young Director Sophia— Saren Nofs Snyder Cromwell— Jeffrey Gardner Deputy Director Torres— Whitney Kraus Jones Written by Mark Soloff. Directed by Jeffrey Gardne