Our Fair City

8.16- Time After Time



If only we could rewind the clock and prevent this horror. ================== If you want to help us create more great audio drama, become a backer on Patreon for as little as $1 a month at www.patreon.com/hartlifenfp. We rely on the support of Policies like you to keep making this work- thank you so much for your support. You can also help spread the word by rating and reviewing on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you are listening to us on! Content Warnings for this episode can be found here. Foster Livy— Ansel Burch Clay— Clint Worthington Sandy— Abby Doud Coal— David Fink Jade— Rose Sengenberger The Bastard Silty— Sebastian H. Orr Lindsey— Kat Evans Lindsey— Kat Evans Lindsey— Kat Evans Andrew Snidge— Frank Sjodin Loamy— Kat Evans Written by Jim McDoniel. Directed by Jeffrey Gardner. Sound Design by Ryan Schile. Music by Stephen Poon. Episode art by Marcus Warren. Produced by Jeffrey Gardner. Recording Engineering by Mel Ruder, Created by Clayton Faits. Learn more about your a