The Archers




At Grey Gables, Oliver wonders why confused Mick is behind reception – clearly the rota has gone awry, and Oliver misses Roy. Mick needs to smarten up and Lily rebukes him following a complaint from a guest about a comment he made. Joy phones the hotel as she’s found some expensive missing glasses at the shop belonging to a guest. Mick’s concerned about Joy being back working in the shop, with her arm still in a sling, and surprises Joy with news he’s bought a motor home. Oliver collects the glasses, and some shoe polish for Mick, who will also need to move his motor home from the hotel’s staff car park. Jakob identifies another horse with Strangles and worried Lilian needs to find some crucial paperwork, but can’t ask Alice again – who swears she filled it in. Can Lilian be confident Alice wasn’t drinking while at work? Lilian doesn’t know, and Jakob feels naïve for being taken in by Alice about her drinking. Oliver wonders how this Strangles issue could have happened and whether it’s human error. Joy vis