Trans Resister Radio

Tiananmen Squared, AoT#425



Did the “Tiananmen Square never happened” tweets fool you? It wouldn’t have if you had seen Shen Yun. America can become even more greater by electing the best rich guy for the job. Our problems aren’t so hard to fix when all the answers just seem to keep falling right in our lap.  Topics include: help promote the show, different sources of content online, propaganda from everyone, disinformation, government, narratives, Chinese Twitter posts, Tiananmen Square, Tank Man, Chinese propaganda, Epoch Times, Falun Gong, religious cults, over the top homophobia, CFO money laundering, what people say means nothing, basic corruption, Shen Yun, Russian propaganda ubiquitous, online news sites used as propaganda portals, Russiagate, Intelligence community shared beliefs, Stop the Steal, geopolitics, competition over resources, US spread thin, divided population, minimum wage increase in CA, insane profits, political cults, apparatus behind Trump, Project 2025, Truth Movement roots of MAGA, redirected energies, coming p