Be Bold Begin

Find Time to F$%king Chill! Weekly Tip #Two Episode 4



Chill out guys! Seriously, though...taking breaks can change the game in how you approach your work once you get back to it. Taking time to recharge can only help you bring your biggest game to the table when you are actively engaging. When I'm alone with my thoughts beach side for example, it gives me space to have new and better ideas. It's GREAT for our creativity! And if you know someone whose in need of this stuff, please share the episode! It's all about love, sharing, and creative health here. We do better when we all do better!  Join me here: Intuitive Creators Academy & Collective WATCH Be Bold Begin Interviews on Youtube @cbarsi1 Instagram: @intuitivecreators @thebarsi BE BOLD & KEEP CREATING!     *music by